
BookWyrm is a federated social reading platform that allows users to share and discover books. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing BookWyrm on Rocky Linux 9 using Docker.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  1. A Rocky Linux 9 server or desktop system
  2. Docker installed on Rocky Linux 9. If not installed, you can follow this guide: Docker Installation Guide.

Step 1: Pull BookWyrm Docker Image

Run the following command to pull the BookWyrm Docker image:

sudo docker pull thejessleigh/bookwyrm

Step 2: Run BookWyrm Docker Container

Run the BookWyrm Docker container with the following command:

sudo docker run -d --name=bookwyrm -p 8000:8000 thejessleigh/bookwyrm

This command will start the BookWyrm container and expose it on port 8000.

Step 3: Access BookWyrm

Open a web browser and navigate to http://your_server_ip:8000 to access BookWyrm.

Step 4: Configure BookWyrm

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup of BookWyrm.

Step 5: Customize BookWyrm

You can customize BookWyrm by modifying its settings and themes. Refer to the BookWyrm documentation for more details on customization options.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed BookWyrm on Rocky Linux 9 using Docker. You can now start using BookWyrm to share and discover books.

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