
In this guide, we will learn how to find out if a remote system is still alive, if certain services are running, and which processes are running on the remote system.


Before proceeding, ensure you have:

  1. A remote system with network connectivity
  2. Access to command-line tools

Checking Remote System Status

  1. Ping: Use the ping command to check if the remote system is reachable:
    ping -c 4 <remote_system_ip>
  2. Nmap: Use the nmap command to discover hosts and services on a network:
    nmap <remote_system_ip>

Checking Service Status

  1. Telnet: Use telnet to check if a specific service is running on a remote system. For example, to check if SSH service is running:
    telnet <remote_system_ip> 22
  2. Netcat (nc): Use nc to check if a port is open on a remote system. For example, to check if port 80 is open:
    nc -zv <remote_system_ip> 80

Checking Running Processes

  1. SSH: Use SSH to remotely login to a system and check running processes:
    ssh <remote_system_ip> ps aux


Congratulations! You have learned how to check the status of a remote system, including its services and running processes, using command-line tools on Linux.

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